Performance Art

Interactive office show
KishCash - one of the largest investment companies in the world invites you - the members of its board of directors - to the company's annual meeting.
A theatrical and surprising office show that reveals the conduct of the most successful invented company and their strategy to take over the capital.
Being a women- Introductory course
A poignant, humorous show, disguises as an academic lecture. The lecture depict the existential experience of four women from different cultures and backgrounds.

A visual performance drawing inspiration from
‘tips for better life’, You-Tube tutorials.
A disturbingly pleasant glance at an era
in which we are flooded with self-improvement media content.
The show depicts one lady’s race over self-marketing and fleeting fame.
Photo credit- leon louie blankleyder
A space immersive work about the outlines of dancers preparation processes for their show.
A diffusion of dance expressiveness and everyday routine.
A tangle of human conduct taking the simple action of preparation to it’s absurd limit.
A tribute to Marianne faithful and my rebellious soul.
A delightful and disturbing show about the vail between public image and reality inspired by the media converge of the singer- Marianne Faithfull.
Dance video
When I was a girl I was told - "Behave yourself! no one gave me an example or showed me me what it meant.
At school I've learned to say- "thank you", "excuse me" and "please" and to fight with the other kids.
In university I learned gender studies and sold my body to pay tuition fees.
I am still taking part in the behavioral science experiment.